As a teenager did you ever search through books for the “good
parts”? Now a group in Fairfax [Va.] - Parents
Against Bad Books in Schools - brings those to you on the web
without even having to search [although some searching might be
involved if you were to actually try to find them in the books]. See
Censorship: Fairfax Parents Group Publicizes the
'Good Parts'
[including the links].
Then, if you are of a mind, send in your own list of “good
parts,” with their complete location in the books you read and I
will consider putting some of them on my web site. Alternatively,
rate the books which are mentioned by PABBIS and I will post your
votes on my web site with full attribution.
George Loper
Calvin Reid (“Conversation with Calvin Reid on Electronic
Publishing,” Archipelago Vol. 4, No. 4) writes to us
about two comics artists:
“Jessica Abel’s comics offer a subtle anthropology of her
own generation of socially audacious, mildly bohemian post-feminists.
She uses comics like a tool, observing, documenting, examining the
social dynamics of a free floating crowd of young, urban, pleasure
seeking bar hoppers. Her writing, in combination with her crisp,
precise, stylishly assured drawings, chronicle the shifting
relationships between the young and unfocused; men and women who aren’t
necessarily what they would like to be and haven’t quite figured out
how to become it. She’s a reporter of sorts, and emotional veracity is
her beat.
“Her deft accumulation of the social details of these
relationships, friendships and dubious one-night stands, can be seen as
artful dispatches from a thoughtful correspondent on contemporary
Jessica Abel, ARTBABE
Comics: SOUNDTRACK: Short
Stories 1989-1996. MIRROR WINDOW:
an Artbabe Collection
Vol. 2, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4. (Fantagraphics)
page photocopied digest-size minicomic collecting various journalistic
comic strips from other publications.” ESCUADRON
about the amateur Rescue Squadron that lives on my block, backed with a
melancholy tale of being an ex-pat in Mexico by Matt Madden. (Highwater
Books P.O.Box 1956
Cambridge, MA 02238)
“Eyes Only” : Three Panels by Jessica Abel

(click on image to see it full size.)
©Jessica Abel
“Matt Madden’s comics can also recreate a vivid sense of a
generation lingering in a pleasant social limbo, suspended eternally
between renting and owning. His characters are young, sporadically
ambitious and heavily attracted to bars, loud bands and minimum wage
jobs. But Madden is a formalist trickster disguised a quirky realist. He
revels in the idiosyncrasies of comics styles past and present; in the
syntax of words and pictures seamlessly combined. His comics generate
surprising perspectives in apparently naturalistic stories that can
focus on a human guinea pig-for-money or, as in his forthcoming graphic
novel ODDS OFF, a dislocated, disaffected
foreign-born graduate student who finds herself lost in a battle between
language and sub-language. His drawings are simple, engaging the eye and
the mind with expert, telling social details. But they are also
strategically and semiotically elastic, offering both a sense of irony,
a deep poignancy and a playful rearrangement of the elements of comics
Matt Madden
ODDS OFF (Highwater Books)
“Exercises in Style”: “a work in progress based on the work of
the same title by the French author Raymond Queneau, a member of the
experimental literary group Oulipo.” On the Web in English.
Exercises de style version français
Esercize di Stile versioni italiano
Matt Madden : Three Panels from “Exercises in Style”

(click on image to see it full size.)
©Matt Madden
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