Is scíth mo chrob ón scríbainn;
Ní dígainn mo glés géroll;
Sceithid penn – gulban caelda –
Dig ndaelda do dub glégorm.
Bruinnid srúaim n-ecna ndedairn
As mo láim degduinn desmais;
Doirtid a dig for duilinn
Do dub in chuilinn chnesglais.
Sínim mo phenn mbec mbraenach
Tar aenach lebar lígoll
Cen scor fri selba ségonn,
Dían scíth mo chrob ón scríbonn.

My hand is weary with writing,
My sharp quill is not steady,
My slender-beaked pen jets forth
A black draught of shining dark-blue ink.
A stream of wisdom of blessèd God
Springs from my fair-brown shapely hand:
On the page it squirts its draught
Of ink of the green-skinned holly.
My little dripping pen travels
Across the plain of shining books,
Without ceasing for the wealth of the great―
Whence my hand is weary with writing.