Dannie Abses newest book of poems, about to appear,
is ARCADIA, ONE MILE (Hutchinson, 1999). He is the editor of WELSH RETROSPECTIVES (with
Carey Archard; Dufour Editions) and TWENTIETH CENTURY ANGL0-WELSH POETRY (Seren
Books/Poetry Wales, 1998); among his books of poems are REMEMBRANCE OF CRIMES PAST (Persea
Books, 1993) and WHITE COAT, PURPLE COAT: Collected Poems 1948-1988 (George Braziller,
1992). Dannie Abse practices medicine in London.
Benjamin H. Cheever is a Contributing Editor
of Archipelago. His Confession of A Lover, Spurned
appeared in our inaugural issue. He is the author of THE PLAGIARIST and THE PARTISAN
(both, Atheneum) and edited THE LETTERS OF JOHN CHEEVER (Simon and Schuster). His novel
FAMOUS AFTER DEATH will be published by Crown in April 1999.
Henry Martin was born in Philadelphia and received degrees in English literature from
Bowdoin College and New York University, where he also studied Romance languages. He
translates contemporary Italian literature and regularly contributes as a critic to a
number of international art magazines, including Art News and Flash Art. In addition to
his translations of Anna Maria Ortese (THE IGUANA; A MUSIC BEHIND THE WALL, Vols. One and
Two) and Giorgio Manganelli (ALL THE ERRORS), he has written extensively about art,
including two volumes in collaboration with the Italian artist Gianfranco Baruchello, HOW
TO IMAGINE and WHY DUCHAMP, both published by McPherson
& Company. Henry Martin lives with his wife, the artist Betty Skuber, and their
son, John-Daniel, in the mountains of southern Tyrol not far from Bolzano, Italy.
Maria Negroni was born in Argentina in 1951. She
holds a PhD in Latin American literature from Columbia University, and has received
Guggenheim and Rockefeller Foundation fellowships. Three books of her poems have been
published by Libros de Tierra Firme (Buenos Aires): DE TANTO DESOLAR (1985), PER/CANTA
(1989) and LA JAULA BAJO EL TRAPO (1991). Two collections of poetry, ISLANDIA and EL VIAJE
DE LA NOCHE were published, respectively, in 1994, by Monte Avila Editores (Caracas) and
Editorial Lumen (Barcelona). Bilingual editions are forthcoming of ISLANDIA (Station Hill Press) and LA JAULA BAJO EL TRAPO/CAGE
UNDERCOVER (Sun & Moon Press). She has also
received a National Book Award for EL VIAJE DE LA NOCHE (which also was first runner-up at
the Princeton University Poetry Series) and was first runner-up for the Planeta Prize
1997, for her novel EL SUEÑO de URSULA. She directs a poetry magazine edited in Buenos
Aires, Abyssinia. A selection from EL VIAJE DE LA NOCHE/NIGHT JOURNEY appeared in our inaugural issue.
Anna Maria Ortese was born in Naples, in 1914. Her first book, a collection of stories
published in 1937, was acclaimed as the work of a major new magical realist. (The critical
phrase magical realism was largely the invention of the writer Massimo
Bontempelli, who is also credited with having discovered Ortese.) She has written more
than a dozen volumes of stories, novels, and essays, and has been the recipient of Italian
literary prizes, among them Strega, the Premio Viareggio, and the Fiuggi. Although for
fifty years her writing reached relatively small audiences, her most recent works have
appeared on the Italian bestseller lists. In 1986, her novel, THE IGUANA, appeared in an
English translation by Henry Martin, published by McPherson
& Company, who also publish two volumes of Orteses stories under the title A
MUSIC BEHIND THE WALL, the second volume of which appeared in 1998. The Great Street, a story, appeared in ARCHIPELAGO,
Vol. 1, No. 1. Anna Maria Ortese died in 1998.
Anne Twittys translations of the
book-length poems of Maria Negroni are forthcoming in the bilingual editions CAGE
and ISLANDIA (Station Hill Press). A selection of her translations from Negronis
ISLANDIA appeared in The Paris Review (Spring 1994) and in Mandorla. She has also
translated the Cuban poet Magali Alabau (HERMANA/SISTER, Editorial Betania, 1992; LIEBE,
La torre de Papel, 1993). Anne Twitty was for some years editor of the Epicycle section of
Parabola, which published her essays on myth, creation, and memory. A selection from Maria
Negronis novel EL SUEÑO de URSULA/URSULAS DREAM was published in Spanish and
in Anne Twittys translation, in the journal of The Americas Society, Review:
Latin American Literature and Arts (Spring 1998). Her translations from Maria
Vol. 1, No. 1.

In Memorium
JR (1975)
father of our friend and contributor
Sarah Gaddis

Our friend and contributor Janet Palmer Mullaney is editor of TRUTHTELLERS OF THE
TIMES, Interviews with Contemporary Women Poets. University of Michigan Press, just out.

The next issue of Archipelago, on-line in mid-March, will feature the work of
Stella Snead, the English Surrealist painter and photographer. Her spoof, Early Cabbage, with digitized photographs, appeared
in Archipelago Vol. 1 No. 3.
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