When power leads man toward arrogance, poetry reminds him of his
limitations. When power narrows the areas of man’s concern, poetry
reminds him of the richness and diversity of his existence. When power
corrupts, poetry cleanses, for art establishes the basic human truths
which must serve as the touchstone of our judgment.
—John F. Kennedy, 1963
In our time, political speech and writing are largely the defense of
the indefensible.
—George Orwell, “Politics and the English Language,”

June was graduation season. A young friend of mine was
finishing at a well-thought-of alternative high school in our town.
Parents, brothers and sisters, well-wishers, we sat on folding chairs on
a hillside under stately trees while the sun climbed and the shady spots
diminished. The younger girls were all sweet flesh, uncertain smiles,
tattoos peeping out from under spaghetti straps or edging bared
midriffs. The boys’ tattoos were, mostly, covered by their loose white
shirts and baggy chinos. They felt the girls’ eyes on them and worked at
looking nonchalant. Men in poplin and seersucker suits, bow ties; men in
trim dark suits; men in jackets and curly or thin ponytails. A few of
the women looked comfortable in their skin, more hid in dresses loose as
burquas, good in this Southern heat, and some simply dressed badly, the
safest option. Greeting each other, they wore wry expressions, as though
startled at how old they were, so soon. The men covered their
nervousness by doing a little informal business among themselves. I
looked around for a candidate for office. It would have been a perfect
day for campaigning.
The sound system ramped up suddenly: “Sinnerman,” Nina
Simone’s cover. (These graduating seniors were cool.) The faculty
marched in and sat down in the front rows.
Long pause.
From a distance, the wail of an approaching siren. An
unmarked police car raced up the hillside road and slid to a halt in
front of the main building, behind us. We murmured, concerned for a
moment, then smiled – “What are these kids up to now?” – stood up,
turned, craned our necks. The students had devised a little play around
a hostage situation. The kid-gangsters, a tall young man and a willowy
young woman, emerged on the balcony (like R.
and J.) and
called down their “demands” to the “cop.” Their demands were silly,
in-group senior class gifts, the lightening-up such an occasion needs.
The “cop” read the list back through his bullhorn.
“Will you give us our demands,” the kid-gangsters then shouted down.
“NO! RELEASE THE HOSTAGES!” bellowed the “cop.”
“Can we get our diplomas?” they cried.
“YES!” the cop boomed.
“We’ll release the hostages!” They disappeared inside.
And, hand in hand, twenty-five endearing, smart kids
steeped in love, peace, and service to the community came pouring out of
the building, grinning, costumed and shined, proud, refusing clichés
(trying to refuse clichés), balloon-bouquets bobbing along behind them.
They ran down to the stage and took their places and, as the sun rose
higher, were sent lovingly into the world with a few wise words from
their chosen speakers and all the clichés the well-meaning but clearly
emotional head of school could possibly have summoned up for the
That week an absurd story had been reported by the
Times, the New Yorker, and NPR.
The New York State Regents exam, required of graduating seniors, had
contained censored extracts of literary works, on which the test-takers
were directed to write essays. A well-read parent with a fine memory had
sussed out the deception. Jeanne Heifetz, whose daughter attended a
small, laboratory school which (according to the Times) was part
of a consortium opposing the Regents exams, noticed on her daughter’s
brought-home test passages credited to authors whose works she herself
knew, and recognized them as inaccurate. Next, she went back through
several years’ worth of tests, checked quoted texts against the
originals, and brought her disgraceful findings to the public’s
attention. It is worth mentioning, too, that Jeanne Heifetz’ husband,
Juris Jurjevics, is the publisher of the interesting SoHo Press.
It seems the New York State Department of Education
had “for decades” heard citizens’ complaints about passages of
literature chosen for the exams and so, had invited anyone who found any
author’s words or phrases “offensive” to sit on test review committees.
It seems, also, the Department believed that according to fair-use
provisions of the copyright law, it was allowed to change texts as it
thought fit (without saying so), since the department did not itself
publish the works. Roseanne DeFabio, an Assistant Commissioner of
Education, explained why these authors and works were quoted, so to
speak, in the exams. “It was our hope in our choice of literary
selections that the effect of seeing writers in the exam will result in
teachers using those writers [in their classrooms],” she said. But:
“Even the most wonderful writers don’t write literature for children to
take on a test.”
No. They don’t. They make works of the human mind.
As reported by the National Coalition Against
Censorship (NCAC), in the last
three years twenty-five of the twenty-six published works quoted in the
examinations were distorted on the New York State Regents English
Language Arts Examinations. In a dismayed letter to the State’s
Commissioner of Education, a number of organizations – among them
NCAC, PEN American
Center, the American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression, the
American Library Association Office of Intellectual Freedom, the New
York Civil Liberties Union – wrote that the examiners had expunged
references to “race, religion, and ethnicity,” “along with physical
descriptions of characters, references to sex, nudity, alcoholic
beverages, and mild profanity. Speeches by public officials have been
altered to remove anything arguably critical of the government. There is
no indication in the selections that they have been altered in this
Seeing what the censors did is instructive, at the
least. I quote the NCAC list*
of examples of authors and passages below. I have struck through deleted
texts and put altered texts in bold.
Ernesto Galarza, BARRIO BOY(memoir)
(Galarza was erroneously identified on the exam as Ernesto Gallarzo.)
Original: “My pals in the second grade were Kazushi, whose
parents spoke only Japanese; a skinny Italian boy;
and Manuel, a fat Portuguese who would never get
into a fight but wrestled you to the ground and just sat on you.”
Regents: “My pals in the second grade were Kazushi, whose
parents spoke only Japanese; a thin Italian boy; and Manuel,
a heavy Portuguese who would never get into a fight but
wrestled you to the ground and just sat on you.”
Original: “Almost tiptoeing across the office, I maneuvered
myself to keep my mother between me and the gringo
Regents: “Almost tiptoeing across the office, I maneuvered to
keep my mother between me and the American lady.”
Original: “Off the school grounds we traded the same insults
we heard from our elders. On the playground, we were sure to be
marched up to the principal’s office for calling someone a
wop, a chink, a dago, or a greaser.” (After describing the
school as “not so much a melting pot as a griddle where Miss Hopley
and her helpers warmed knowledge into us and roasted social hatreds
out of us.”) Regents: “Off the school grounds we traded the
same insults we heard from our elders. On the playground, we were
sure to be marched up to the principal’s office for calling someone
a bad name.”
Annie Dillard, AN AMERICAN CHILDHOOD (memoir)
“From the nearest library, I learned every sort of surprising
thing – some of it, though not much of it – from the books
“The Homewood branch of Pittsburgh’s Carnegie Library
system was in a Negro section of town. Homewood. This branch was our
nearest library; Mother drove me to it every two weeks for many
years, until I could drive there myself. I only very rarely saw
other white people there.”
“Beside the farthest wall, and under leaded windows set ten feet
from the floor, so that no human being could ever see anything from
them – next to the wall, and at the farthest remove from the idle
librarians at their curved wooden counter, and from the oak bench
where my mother waited in her camel’s-hair coat chatting with the
librarians or reading – stood the last and darkest and most obscure
of the tall nonfiction stacks:
shocker from beginning to end. When you checked out a book from the
Homewood Library, the librarian wrote your number on the book’s card
and stamped the due date on the book’s last page. When I checked out
second time, I noticed the book’s card. It was almost full. There
were numbers on both sides. My hearty author and I were not alone in
the world, after all. With us, and sharing our enthusiasm for
dragonfly larvae and single-celled plants were, apparently, many
Negro adults.”
NCAC note: The relevance of
race to the passage becomes obvious in the last paragraph quoted in
the exam:
“The people of Homewood, some of whom lived in visible poverty, on
crowded streets among burned-out houses-they dreamed of ponds and
streams. They were saving to buy microscopes. In their bedrooms they
fashioned plankton nets. But their hopes were even more vain than
mine, for I was a child, and anything might happen; they were
adults, living in Homewood. There was neither pond nor stream on the
streetcar routes. The Homewood residents whom I knew had little
money and little free time. The marble floor was beginning to chill
me. It was not fair.”
Isaac Bashevis Singer, IN MY FATHER’S COURT (memoir)
“Our home had little contact with Gentiles. The only
Gentile in the house was the janitor. Fridays he would come for a
tip, his ‘Friday money.’ He remained standing at the door, took off
his hat, and my mother gave him six groschen.
“Besides the janitor there were also the Gentile
washwomen who came to the house to fetch our laundry. My story is
about one of these.
“She was a small woman, old and wrinkled. When she started
washing for us she was already past seventy. Most Jewish
women of her age were sickly, weak, broken in body. All the old
women in our street had bent backs and leaned on sticks when they
walked. But this washwoman, small and thin as she was, possessed a
strength that came from generations of peasant forebears.”
The washwoman cleaned “featherbed covers, pillowcases, sheets,
and the men’s fringed garments. Yes, the Gentile woman washed these
holy garments as well.”
The following material was deleted completely from the exam.
“And now at last the body, which had long been no more than
a broken shard supported only by the force of honesty and duty, had
fallen. The soul passed into those spheres where all holy souls meet,
regardless of the roles they played on this earth, in whatever tongue,
of whatever creed. I cannot imagine Eden without this washwoman. I
cannot even conceive of a world where there is no recompense for such
NCAC note: The assigned essay topic is “the nature of human
Samuel Hazo, “Strike Down the Band” (essay)
“The hunger for beauty, like the hunger for music and knowledge
and God, is part of our very natures.”
“Like poetry, music puts us in touch with our feelings
and through our feelings, with our very souls.”
“I contend that nothing promotes the general welfare and seeks
the blessings of peace better than the arts – even more than
religions, which, for some reason in our time, tend more toward
divisiveness than unity.”
Elie Wiesel, “What Really Makes Us Free” (essay)
“Man, who was created in God’s image, wants to
be free as God is free: free to choose between good
and evil, love and vengeance, life and death.”
Frank Conroy, STOP-TIME
Original: “‘Let’s go swimming. I know a rock pit back in the
woods. It’s got an island in the middle.’ ‘Okay. I’ll have to get my
bathing suit.’ ‘Hell, you don’t need a suit.
There’s nobody around.’”
Regents: “‘Heck, you don’t need a suit. There’s nobody
The following material was deleted completely from the exam.
“It was easy to undress. We wore only blue jeans. I
remember a mild shock at the absence of anything but air against my
“If we saw a king snake, all six feet wrapped black and
shiny in the shade of a palmetto, we’d break off a pine branch and
kill it, smashing the small head till the blood ran.”
“Neither of us knew exactly what it was, accepting it
nevertheless as proof that the unbelievable act had taken place. We
hid our ignorance from each other, making oblique wisecracks to
cover it up.” (On finding a used condom in the woods
where couples park.)
(Note: The exam includes passages from six chapters presented to
students as a single “speech.”)
“My great-grandmother, who’d also been a slave, talked about the
old days. She’d [She would] talk about the beginnings of the blues.
She said that, sure, singing helped the day go by. Singing about
sadness unburdens your soul. But the blues hollerers shouted about
more than being sad. They were also delivering messages in musical
code. If the master was coming, you might sing a hidden warning to
the other field hands. Maybe you’d want to get out of his way or
hide. That was important for the women because the
master could have anything he wanted. If he liked a woman, he could
take her sexually. And the woman had only two choices: Do what the
master demands or kill herself. There was no in-between.
The blues could warn you what was coming. I could see the blues was
about survival.”
“As a child, I stuttered. What was inside couldn’t get out. I’m
still not real fluent. I don’t know a lot of good words. If
I were wrongfully accused of a crime, I’d have a tough time
explaining my innocence. I’d stammer and stumble and choke up until
the judge would throw me in jail.Words aren’t my
friends. Music is. Sounds, notes, rhythms. I talk through music.”
Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the United Nations, speech to the
Commonwealth Club of California
Polls “show strong American support for the organization at the
grass-roots level regardless of what is said and done on
Capitol Hill.”
“The United States is the biggest debtor, as is well
Anne Lamott, BIRD BY BIRD
(work of non-fiction)
“If you can get their speech mannerisms right, you will know what
they’re wearing and driving and maybe thinking, and how they were
raised, and what they feel. You need to trust yourself to hear what
they are saying over what you are saying. At least give each of them
a shot at expression: sometimes what they are saying and how they
are saying it will finally show you who they are and what is really
happening. Whoa – they’re not getting married after all!
She’s gay! And you had no idea!”
Anton Chekhov, “An Upheaval” (story)
“A maid-servant came into the room.
‘Liza, you don’t know why they have been rummaging in my room?’
the governess asked her.
‘Mistress has lost a brooch worth two thousand,’ said Liza.
‘Yes, but why have they been rummaging in my room?’
‘They’ve been searching every one, miss. They’ve searched all my
things, too. They stripped us all naked and searched us . . . . God
knows, miss, I never went near her toilet-table, let alone touching
the brooch. I shall say the same at the police-station.’
‘But . . . why have they been rummaging here?’ the governess
still wondered.
‘A brooch has been stolen, I tell you. The mistress
[She] has been rummaging in everything with her own
hands. She even searched Mihailo, the porter, herself. It’s a
perfect disgrace!”
(Note: The ellipses are Chekhov’s; the essay topic is “the nature
of human dignity.”)
On the stage, the teachers of the graduates spoke of
their bright future. The kids talked about their past, succumbing one by
one (as if helplessly) to cliché in a ritual expression of gratitude to
all who had helped them: a certain teacher, my family, Mom. My young
friend, I knew, was furious at the sanctimony of it; but, having held
out as long as possible, she too gave way and spoke. She was gracious,
brief. She is a traveler of the world and reads compulsively; she has
style; she will learn how to resist.
According to the Times, the New York State
Department of Education follows guidelines seeking “to guarantee that
all people are depicted in accord with their dignity.” Assistant
Commissioner DeFabio was quoted as saying these guidelines try to avoid
naming anything objectionable about a student’s “race, religion or
neighborhood, or anything that would interfere with the student’s
ability to fairly demonstrate the skills that the test is measuring.”
The New York Post snarled, “Imagine that. In the age of Eminem
and Ozzy Osbourne – shockable teenagers.”
That unconscionable alteration of texts is one of the
stupidest, gravest ways adults have lied, for decades, to the
youngsters for whose instruction they are responsible. About this, we
should be shockable. We should be sickened. Almost laughing at the
appalling idiocy of it all, I thought of Orwell, who wrote in “Politics
and the English Language”:
Now, it is clear that the decline of a language
must ultimately have political and economic causes: it is not due
simply to the bad influence of this or that individual writer. But
an effect can become a cause, reinforcing the original cause and
producing the same effect in an intensified form, and so on
indefinitely. A man may take to drink because he feels himself to be
a failure, and then fail all the more completely because he drinks.
It is rather the same thing that is happening to the English
language. It becomes ugly and inaccurate because our thoughts are
foolish, but the slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us
to have foolish thoughts.
Orthodoxy, of whatever color, seems to demand a
lifeless, imitative style.
I felt almost confident that my young friend and (I
hoped) her classmates have been inoculated by literature and open
discussion against the poor thinking, cowardice, and mendacity common in
public and corporate institutions. It seemed to be true that guiding
them were adults whom they could respect and trust, who encouraged them
to think carefully and know their sources. But how (I wondered) would
those good people help their students advance from private to public
I missed the voice of Dr. King. I missed the deep,
rolling voice of Barbara Jordan. I miss the voices of John F. Kennedy
and Robert Kennedy. I miss being called to remember that there exists
something larger than private interest. I miss, terribly, our former
belief in public life, in the public sector, in public service, to which
we all owe some part of our talent, our wealth, and our honest
My young friend is going to become a writer; of this I
am certain. I regret deeply (although am relieved for her) that the good
school from which she graduated could not have been a public school.
—Katherine McNamara
* I took the following list of
twenty-six authors and their works used in the Regents exams from the
NCAC web site. The numbers show the date the work appeared in an exam.
Works altered:
(1/01) Mortimer J. Adler, “How to Mark a Book” (from HOW TO READ A BOOK) (6/01) Kofi
Annan, Speech to the Commonwealth Club of California, April 20, 1998
(8/01) Roger Ascham, “Toxophilus” (1/00) Anton Chekhov, “An Upheaval”
(6/01) Frank Conroy, STOP-TIME (6/00) Annie Dillard, AN AMERICAN CHILDHOOD (8/01)
Ernesto Galarza,
BARRIO BOY (6/99) Samuel Hazo, “Strike Down the
Band” (8/00) John Holt, LEARNING ALL THE TIME (6/99) June
Jordan, “Ah, Momma” (8/99) B.B. King, BLUES ALL AROUND ME (6/00) Anne Lamott, “Dialogue” (from BIRD BY BIRD) (1/01) William
(6/00) Chuck Noll, “Staying the Best” [not a literary work-Ed.]
(1/00) Lise Pelletier, “Life As It Is In Pinegrove Correctional Centre
on a Monday Morning” (4/00) Carol Saline, MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS (8/99) Isaac
Bashevis Singer, IN MY FATHER’S COURT (6/01) Margaret A. Whitney “Playing to Win” (8/00) Elie
Wiesel, “What Really Makes Us Free” (4/00)
Note: In addition to relatively lengthy passages from
these works, each exam contains a brief quotation in a section called a
“Critical Lens.” Of these, six are labeled “adapted,” without an
indication of what changes have been made, one is adapted without
notation, and one is misattributed.
Works used with minor alterations (but without indication of
(1/01) Dale Fetherling “The Sounds of Silence” (8/99) Jack London, “The
Story of an Eyewitness” (1/00) Lynn Sherr, FAILURE IS IMPOSSIBLE (4/01)
Works used without alteration:
Roger Jack, “The Pebble People” (1/02)
See also:
George Orwell, “Politics and the English Language,” INSIDE THE WHALE and Other Essays.
(Penguin Books).
Thomas Jefferson Center for the
Preservation of Free Expression
On the Regents Exam censorship:
N. R. Kleinfield, “The Elderly Man and the Sea? Test Sanitizes
Literary Texts,” New York Times,
Sunday, June 2, 2002
John Leland, “The Myth of the Offenseless Society,” New York Times,
Sunday, June 9, 2002
Association of
American Publishers
The American Booksellers Association, “Bookselling
This Week” (Quoted from in this essay.) In addition:
from “Bookselling This Week”
According to Newsweek, at the very least, it almost happened
elsewhere. In the weekly news magazine’s June 17 issue, columnist Anna
Quindlen wrote that the Educational Testing Service (ETS), a national
test-preparation company that was preparing Georgia’s End-of-Course
Test, wanted to use excerpts from her book HOW READING CHANGED MY LIFE.
However, when Quindlen was shown the passages, she found that the
selections had been edited in an effort to avoid “controversial issues.”
For example, “in the sentence that read ‘The Sumerians first used the
written word to make laundry lists, to keep track of cows and slaves and
household good,’ the words ‘and slaves’ had been deleted,” Quindlen
explained in the article. She stressed that, unlike NYSED, the “people
preparing tests for the state of Georgia at least had the common
courtesy to ask permission to mess with my stuff. I declined.”
National Coalition Against Censorship. The examples used in this
essay are taken from “Examples
of Literary
Works Altered
on New York State Regents English Language Arts Examinations”, with

“Don’t get up to any monkey business!”
In the previous issue, I wrote about the problem we
have lived with since atomic energy was used for making weapons of mass
destruction (as we say now). The discussion has lately circled around
“Copenhagen,” the marvelous play by Michael Frayn in which he imagines
the meeting in September 1942, in Copenhagen, between Niels Bohr and
Werner Heisenberg. In particular, I wrote about the fascinating
symposium on “Copenhagen” held in early March at the Smithsonian, in
Washington. Now the papers and a video of that program have been
released, and I would like to bring one of them, in particular, to your
The journalist-historian Richard Rhodes, whose
THE MAKING OF THE ATOMIC BOMB is considered among
the best books on the subject, presented a paper about Niels Bohr at the
Smithsonian symposium. I looked forward to reading it at leisure and
have been gratified, and provoked, too, into attempting another way than
I had of thinking about nuclear power in the world.
Rhodes points out that fifty-five million lives were
lost during World War II, and argues that the
carnage was brought to an end because of our use, twice, of the atomic
bomb. In the nearly fifty-seven years since, wars have claimed about a
million lives every year: but, terrible as this is, the wars have
remained at the level of conventional weaponry. Rhodes argues that war
remains conventional – historical, not universal– because of the fact of
nuclear energy. He believes, too, that Bohr understood completely
the nature of this new kind of energy, because he understood, very
deeply, its scientific meaning: that it changed our understanding of the
order of the world.
Bohr managed to escape from Nazi-occupied Denmark in
1943, and journeyed to London, where he attempted
to persuade Churchill to support an atomic program. Churchill dismissed
him. He went on Washington, and there his espousal of an Allied program
to develop an atomic bomb convinced Roosevelt of its necessity.
“[Bohr] knew about not only atomic bombs,” Rhodes
tells us:
at Los Alamos that spring he had learned from Edward
Teller about the possibility of hydrogen bombs as well, weapons with
essentially unlimited destructive potential. These possibilities were
worrying his younger Los Alamos colleagues. Bohr’s insight had brought
them a measure of comfort, as the Austrian emigré theoretician Victor
Weisskopf would remember. “In Los Alamos,” Weisskopf said later, “we
were working on something which is perhaps the most questionable, the
most problematic thing a scientist can be faced with.” Weisskopf meant
they were working on what we today call weapons of mass destruction—a
new experience for physicists, who up to then had thought of their
discipline as almost theologically otherworldly. “At that time,”
Weisskopf continued, “physics, our beloved science, was pushed into the
most cruel part of reality and we had to live it through. We were, most
of us at least, young and somewhat inexperienced in human affairs, I
would say. But suddenly in the midst of it, Bohr appeared in Los Alamos.
“It was the first time we became aware of the sense in
all these terrible things,” Weisskopf concluded, “because Bohr right
away participated not only in the work, but in our discussions. Every
great and deep difficulty bears in itself its own solution . . . . This
we learned from him.” Bohr was characterizing the complementarity of the
bomb, its potential not only for devastation but also, as he saw, its
potential for limiting war. The principle of complementarity had been
central to his formulation of quantum physics; he had scolded Heisenberg
for introducing it only in limited form in quantum mechanics as the
Uncertainty Principle, because Bohr understood complementarity to be one
of the deep organizing principles of the natural and human world.
It is moving to listen to one who speaks so clearly as Weisskopf of
“physics, our beloved science” “pushed into the most cruel part of
reality….” It is good and necessary to know again that the science was
done by men and women like ourselves, although of course not at all like
ourselves: not only for what they made, but what they knew. “‘The whole
enterprise,’ Bohr told Roosevelt, ‘constitutes...a far deeper
interference with the natural course of events than anything ever before
attempted, and its impending accomplishment will bring about a whole new
situation as regards human resources. Surely, [Bohr went on] we are
being presented with one of the greatest triumphs of science and
engineering, destined deeply to influence the future of mankind.’”
Was Bohr correct, as Rhodes thinks him to have been: that the
weapon is so dreadful that no nation would dare use it again, because
the situation it has made cannot be resolved by war? Rhodes explains
that Bohr believed that the discovery of fission would change the moral
and social condition of the world, also. He believed, therefore, that
all nations should have open access to this fundamentally new kind of
energy. He believed that the best hope was for nations – the Americans
and the Soviets, in particular – to become transparent to each other in
nuclear development, for the alternative was secrecy and a dread
competition, an arms race.
But the nations did not achieve openness. Instead, the “secrets” were
passed by spies. Instead of the mutual security Bohr had hoped for,
mutual deterrence became the object, the arms race its method, and
technological spying the means of gauging its reach. Rhodes takes up
Bohr’s call, nonetheless: “Now in the aftermath of that arms race,
Bohr’s argument for openness remains no less valid than it was in
Common security against nuclear danger requires transparency; a world
free of nuclear weapons will have to be completely transparent where
nuclear technology is concerned, each side able to inspect factories and
military installations on the other side’s territory whenever it has
reason to do so.”
Rhodes writes that Bohr argued with all his intelligence and moral
being that nuclear energy cannot be used for war because it resolves
Rhodes’s position has bothered me since I heard him give his paper:
that total war – world war – has become historical, not universal, a
manifestation of destructive technologies of limited scale. Does he mean
that, because no other nation would dare to use nuclear weapons – the
U.S. exempts itself from refusing this possibility – war will only be
fought with limited rather than nuclear weapons? But this is not so;
that is, possibly it is not so. Recently, the administration sent
cabinet members hurrying to Delhi and Lahore, as those capitals shouted
the words “nuclear arsenal” over disputed Kashmir. The two nations were,
it seems, persuaded to back off, and the atomic clock advanced no closer
to midnight.
But wars are fought not only by nations.
Only a few weeks before that latest in a recurrent cycle of face-off
over Kashmir, an American ex-military officer appeared on several
serious media programs. He was campaigning for the “limited” use of
“tactical” nuclear weapons. Indignant at how “our enemies” in various
parts of the world were (he said) digging themselves into bunkers built
deep in rock and cave, he proposed using needled-nosed “bunker-buster
bombs,” pointed by our military’s vaunted precision-guidance systems, to
penetrate those rock-bound fastnesses. These missiles come in
“conventional” and “nuclear” models; he preferred the latter as being
wonderfully effective. He assured his listeners that no fallout would
reach ground level. (He is not correct about this, I’ve read.) In his
enthusiasm, he glowed like Slim Pickins’ Major “King” Kong, ready to
ride the bomb down.
A few months ago, the administration leaked a Pentagon report, the
Nuclear Posture Review, proposing that our military consider seven
nations be targeted by our nuclear arsenal in case they acted up against
our “interests” (as they say now). The President’s security advisor
insisted, during the alarmed outcry, that the Review also proposed
reducing our nuclear stockpile. Nonetheless, the loony idea was out and
circulating again: “tactical” nuclear weapons are a possibility. And so
the loony ex-officer popped up in the media. Meanwhile, the President
has just formally abrogated the ABM Treaty. The development of a missile
defense test bed site proceeds at Ft. Greely, Alaska, as I wrote in “The
Bear.” This missile defense system, a program wrapped in secrecy,
intends the “weaponization” of space with American, and only American,
And so, we go directly to Kashmir. It was beyond whatever one thinks
irony is, that a high emissary from the State Department, then the
Secretary of Defense himself, flew with urgency to Delhi and Lahore
carrying documentary warnings of the horrible aftermath loosened by nuclear
bombs. It was as if, from this distance, certain members of our
government had suddenly realized what mischief might come of their
President’s loose way with language.
Common security against nuclear danger requires transparency. Rather
than a mere hope, I would accept Bohr’s call as a clear-eyed principle,
to be held and acted upon with determination when so much in the world
works against it, at home and abroad. It should be engraved in our
memories as historical fact that the only nation to have used this
dreadful weapon is our own. We have seen photos and read studies of and
novels about the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Terrible, terrible
things happened to the bodies and minds of human beings and the world in
which they lived. Rhodes gave me another way of imagining it with words.
When uranium fissions, a small amount of mass is converted into
energy in the form of heat, a process that is several million times more
energetic than chemical burning. Albert Einstein had first quantified
this mass-energy conversion in his famous formula E = mc2. Since the
in Einstein’s formula designates the speed of light, a very large
number, and that very large number is squared, the formula emphasizes
that even a small amount of mass, when it fissions, will release a
stupendous amount of energy. The bomb that destroyed Hiroshima, for
example, was a crude first-generation weapon, handmade at Los Alamos,
with an efficiency of less than one percent. It contained about
pounds of U235; it exploded with energy equivalent to about
13,500 tons
of TNT; but 13.5 kilotons means that less than one gram of
U235 was
completely converted into energy.
We have built for ourselves a governing structure that guarantees
free speech, even open discussion; we believe we have the constitutional
right to say anything (short of shouting “Fire” in a theater, let’s
say), without legal consequence. But moral consequence is another
matter. One moral consequence is the separation of words from the things
they represent. “Nuclear weapons.” “Weapons of mass destruction.” These
words are attached to enormous potentials of energy unloosed, causing
great harm in the world. They were born in the realm of pure science,
whose dimensions we who are not of that realm can barely grasp in words.
Let our politicians learn to use this our language carefully, precisely,
with historical accuracy and a sense of nuance. Let the rest of us read
about Copenhagen, the bomb, Bohr and Heisenberg, and reflect on the
changed condition of the world. Then let us read Orwell again,
carefully, and often.
—Katherine McNamara
See also:
“The Bohr letters: No more uncertainty,” William Sweet,
Bulletin of
Atomic Scientists, May-June 2000
“With the release of Niels Bohr’s draft
letters, any doubt about the purpose of Heisenberg’s visit to Copenhagen
should be erased.”
“The Colossus,”
Archipelago, Vol. 6, No. 1
Copenhagen Symposium in Washington, D.C., March 2, 2002, papers and
Documents Related to the Cold War
“New push for bunker-buster nuke,”
Christian Science Monitor, May 9, 2002
George Orwell, 1984 (Signet Classic / New American Library)
____________, “Politics and the English Language,” INSIDE THE WHALE and
Other Essays (Penguin Books).
Richard Rhodes, THE MAKING OF THE ATOMIC BOMB (Simon & Schuster;
1988 Pulitzer Prize in
Nonfiction and the National Book Award)
__________________, DARK SUN: THE MAKING OF THE HYDROGEN BOMB (Simon &
Schuster. A
finalist for the 1996 Pulitzer Prize in History)
__________________, “A Great and Deep Difficulty”: Niels Bohr and the
Atomic Bomb. Symposium on
“The Copenhagen Interpretation: Science and History on Stage,” National
Museum of Natural History of the Smithsonian Institution, March 2, 2002
Previous Endnotes:
The Colossus, Archipelago, Vol. 6, No. 1
Bear, Vol. 5 No. 4
Sasha Choi Goes Home, Vol. 5, No. 3
Sasha Choi in America,
Vol. 5, No. 1
A Local Habitation and
A Name, Vol. 5, No. 1
The Blank Page, Vol. 4, No. 4
The Poem of the Grand
Inquisitor, Vol. 4, No. 3
On the Marionette
Theater, Vol. 4, Nos. 1/2
The Double, Vol. 3, No. 4
Folly, Love, St.
Augustine, Vol. 3, No. 3
On Memory, Vol. 3, No. 2
Passion, Vol. 3, No. 1
A Flea, Vol. 2, No. 4
On Love, Vol. 2, No. 3
Fantastic Design, with
Nooses, Vol. 2, No. 1
Kundera’s Music
Teacher, Vol. 1, No. 4
The Devil’s Dictionary; Economics for
Poets, Vol. 1, No. 3
Hecuba in New York;
Déformation Professionnelle, Vol. 1, No. 2
Art, Capitalist Relations, and Publishing on the
Web, Vol. 1, No. 1

“The Bear,” Archipelago, Vol. 5, No. 4, and the ABM Treaty:
• June 11, 2002:
Thirty-one Members of the U.S. House of Representatives filed suit
against the Bush Administration for violation of the ABM
treaty. A list of the Members (no Senators joined the suit) and the text
of the Complaint (Civil Action No. 02-1137(JDB))
are posted on
this site. See also, Neely Tucker,
“Lawmakers Sue Over ABM Pact Withdrawal,” Washington Post, June 12,
• August 28, 2002: “On behalf of itself and seven co-plaintiff
organizations, the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), a major
national environmental organization, today filed suit in the Federal
Court for the District of Columbia to compel the Defense Department to
prepare environmental impact statements on its missile defense
activities in Alaska and elsewhere before proceeding with the
construction of new test and ‘emergency deployment’ facilities.
“Joining NRDC as plaintiffs in the suit are Physicians for Social
Responsibility, Greenpeace USA, Alaska Public Interest Research Group,
Alaska Action Center, Alaska Community Action on Toxics, Kodiak Rocket
Launch Information Group, and No Nukes North: Alaskan and Circumpolar
Coalition Against Missile Defense.”
—Press release,
and Circumpolar Coalition Against Missile Defense
“Letters to the Editor,” Archipelago, Vol. 6, No. 1. Congressman Bob
Filner on limiting military exemption from environmental regulation:
• May 2002: The House passed the FY ‘03 Defense Authorization bill, which “included
exemptions to the Endangered Species Act, Migratory Bird Treaty Act and
changed protections for wilderness areas. A strong attempt to strip
these provision from the bill was led by House Democrats and a handful
of Republicans. Although the votes were close, both attempts were
defeated. Because of the strong show of opposition to the
anti-environmental language in the House, these provisions have a better
chance to be stripped in the conference committee.”
See this text in
• As of June 24, the bill has not yet gone through the Senate.
• H.R. 4546, FY ‘03
National Defense Authorization Act Bill and Report Language appears on
the web site of the House Armed
Services Committee.