Katherine McNamara
In this, second, part of my conversation with Cornelia and Michael Bessie, publishers and
editors of Bessie Books, now associated with Counterpoint, they told me about an event
which took place more than a decade ago but which turned out to have contemporary, even
immediate, resonance. The event they recount -- their publication of Gorbachevs
memoirs, in 1987 -- involved (incidentally) Rupert Murdoch, then the
new owner of Harper & Row. Michael Bessie, on the board of
Harper, had opposed the sale. Murdoch had also bought William Collins Publishers, the
distinguished Engish firm, combined it with Harper, and retitled the combination
HarperCollins. The publishing house now sounded like an advertising agency. At the time of
sale, Harper had a signed contract with Gorbachev for his political memoirs, negotiated by
Michael Bessie. Murdoch, the neophyte publisher, was known to be strongly anti-communist,
and he told Bessie he was crazy for publishing the book.
The book appeared nonetheless; not long ago, Murdoch even
took credit for it. But lately, Murdochs heavy hand has fallen on another political
book, and dropped it. In London in January, his courtiers, (as the English press likes to
say) anticipating his disapproval of the political memoirs of Chris Patten, last
(Conservative) governor of Hong Kong before its reversion to China, broke their
firms signed contract with the author. The erstwhile anti-Communist has huge
business dealings with China, where making money is the order of the new day,
while Patton had criticized the Chinese government. Nervous, Murdochs managers
provoked the principled resignation of the young senior editor who refused to
go back on his word and abandon the book he had already praised in public. (See also,
Endnotes.) A number of prominent authors published by HarperCollins roundly
denounced Murdoch, to no apparent effect.
The Bessies talked about the Gorbachev book late last
summer, long before the scandal in London, when we met at their country retreat near Lyme,
Connecticut. It is a pretty, book-filled farmhouse and separate office situated amid tall
old-growth trees on a sloping back lawn, where theyll offer a visitor an afternoon
drink. Michael Bessie is an open-handed host and worldly raconteur, while Cornelia, though
more reticent, when amused laughs knowingly. Her handsome, blonde beauty, in no way
masking a sharp intelligence, must often have been a trial to her inside the masculine
offices of publishing. When she spoke about books and the surprise and pleasure of finding
literature -- Lampedusa, Harper Lee -- her face lit up. Michael, the outside
person at his old company, Atheneum, spoke with zest about the rough and tumble of
publishing during the time when it was run by book men till the time -- the present era --
when it changed to something else.
Before this issue went online, I asked Michael Bessie if
he would care to comment on the matter of the Patten book and Murdochs getting rid
of it. He declined, saying that on the one hand, this was hardly the first time a book had
been in effect suppressed by the head of a publishing company; and on the other, that, at
that moment, all he knew was what he had read in the papers, though he was acquainted with
and thought well of the editor in question, who had done the honorable thing by leaving.
In his voice I detected a certain dryness. Perhaps he was recalling the ambitions of young
men and old men and the lay of once-greener playing fields; and, having had a long good
run there himself, perhaps he wasnt sorry to be watching this one from the
see also:
A Conversation with Cornelia and Micheal Bessie Part 1 (Vol.
1 No. 4)
Letter to the Editor: Benjamin Cheever
Endnotes: Fantastic Design, with Nooses
A Conversation with Marion Boyers (Vol. 1 No. 3)